For a good work-care balance

We show companies how they can support their employees with care

Caring for a relative is a major challenge for many employees. Companies that respond to the changing needs of their employees during this phase and support them remain attractive as employers and can retain their skilled workers in the long term.

The network for reconciling work and care in the Münsterland region therefore aims to better integrate the worlds of work and care and to support companies in giving their employees security and flexibility in dealing with this challenging phase of life. The programme is therefore aimed at both employers and employees.

More information on the support provided by the network partners can be found at

Cooperation with the state programme for reconciling work and care also offers companies the following:

Charter for reconciling work and care in NRW

Companies that already have programmes in place to reconcile work and care or would like to set out on this path together with their employees can sign the North Rhine-Westphalia Work-Care Reconciliation Charter. This is not only aimed at companies that already offer measures in this area, but also explicitly at all those for whom signing the charter is a high-profile declaration of intent to improve the compatibility of work and care for their employees. The first companies to sign the charter in the Coesfeld district were Druckhaus Dülmen and Caritasverband für den Kreis Coesfeld e.V. Companies that would also like to sign the charter can contact Further information is available from Dr Kirsten Tacke-Klaus (contact details below).

The advantages of the charter:

High-profile declaration of intent to develop a care-friendly company
Visibility of the commitment within and outside the company, including a logo for the homepage, communication and recruitment of skilled labour
Access to the state programme’s digital information portal with information on compatibility, opportunities for exchange and networking
Access to the company care kit

Companies that have signed the charter also receive access to the digital company care kit. This provides all relevant information on reconciling work and care in a low-threshold format. This means that companies can find out about current regulations and offers on the topic at any time, pass this information on to employees and provide them with the best possible support in reconciling work and care.

Qualification of care guides

Employees who are interested in promoting the compatibility of care and work in their company can complete training to become a company care guide via the state programme. They then provide information and raise awareness of the topic within their company and support colleagues who are caring for relatives or would like to prepare for caring. As a person of trust, they provide initial guidance and pass on information about external support and regional counselling networks. They also provide information about work-life balance programmes in the company and the legal regulations.

Via the digital portal of the state programme, care guides also receive information material based on the care kit developed in Münsterland with contact persons and opportunities in the region, course offers as well as articles and contributions from science and research.

Are there any costs for signing the charter or qualifying as a care guide?

Participation in the state programme and qualification as a care guide by the AOKs is free of charge. The companies invest the time required for participation. The programme usually involves two days of training.

Are there any other programmes?

The network for reconciling work and care supports companies directly on site and also organises events on the topic, such as network meetings for care guides.

Our further offers

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